What’s it about?

How to get what you want and want what you get! Achieving win-win outcomes from challenging situations involves many things – clarity on what you want and are prepared to accept, shared understanding of priorities and interests, areas you agree on and those you don’t…and even sometimes being content with second best!

This course will help you gain the skills to greatly increase the likelihood of achieving positive results through others.

What do we cover?

  • building rapport
  • recognising and matching different motivation patterns
  • influencing strategies and currencies
  • principles of WIN-WIN negotiation
  • planning and preparing for negotiation
  • seeking and finding agreement
  • bringing a negotiation to a close

How do we do it?

An interactive day involving a combination of trainer input and loads of opportunities to practice the skills of influencing and negotiation – real ‘learning by doing’!

Who’s it for?

Anyone wishing to broaden their range of influencing skills and who needs to reach agreements with colleagues and customers to achieve results. The course is intended to introduce the basic concepts of negotiation and does not cover the more advanced aspects of contractual negotiation skills.

Invest in yourself today